99 Winsted Rd, Torrington, CT

Others for Lease - $2,200 Month - 18,602 SqFt Available

Agent Info

Mario Longobucco
Coldwell Banker Realty

Property Info

  99 Winsted Rd
  Torrington CT 06790
UpdatedOctober 29th, 2024
Price$2,200 Month
Building18,602 SqFt

Property Description

Four units available for lease. Units A and B are combined to total 3,680 sf - $4,200/mo. Unit C is 1,750 sf - $2,200/mo. Unit D can be added to Unit C to total 2,290 sf - $3,200/mo. All prices are Gross, tenant pays for electric and heat. All the spaces have large overhead doors at the front and the rear of the building allowing you to pull in the rear, unload indoors, and pull out of the front of the space. It is an estimated 16 to 18 feet to the underside of the truss. Located on Winsted Road, just a stone throw to Routes 8 North and South. Convenient to most everything this space is flexible enough to fit your needs.

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