Property Listing No Longer Available for Sale

62 W Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL

Others for Sale - $259,000

Property Info

  62 W Colonial Dr
  Orlando FL
UpdatedMay 6th, 2018

Property Description

The China Glass Warehouse structure is among the really few early 20th century warehouses staying in Central Florida. Built in 1923, the facility was originally used as an auto dealer and then later on as a china glass storage and circulation center hence the name China Glass Warehouse. The structure sat uninhabited for several years and was nearly demolished until Eola Land Company, Inc. bought it in 1998 and the stockroom was divided into twenty devices and sold as raw loft area for construct out. Today, the structure stands as a substantial reminder of Orlando's history of commerce and architecture. The China Glass Warehouse spaces are the only real lofts in Orlando. Each loft is different and reflects its own personality and character. The building is zoned commercial/residential and lofts are live/work expert spaces. DOWNTOWN ORLANDO 32801 URBAN LIVING !! WWW.DOWNTOWNPAUL.COM REALTOR. more details: 62 W Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32801<br />

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