State Liquor Store, Southern, MT

Others for Sale - $6,750,000

Agent Info

Nathan Matelich
Coldwell Banker Commercial CBS

Property Info

  State Liquor Store
  Southern MT 59102
UpdatedFebruary 12th, 2024

Property Description

*Asking Price $6,750,000 *Inventory is included in asking price *Real Estate is Leased *Located in a high traffic retail center with HUGE pylon sign at one of the busiest intersections in Montana *State Liquor Stores are a quasi-monopoly with a limited number of franchises in Montana *New owner has ability to stay open 65 more days per year (Sundays & Holidays) *Owner is willing to stay on to train a new buyer for a set amount of time *This business is an established franchise *Cash Flow: $1,020,882 *Gross Revenue: $7,841,494
