Property Listing No Longer Available for Sale

1248 W. Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA

Office for Sale - 5,867 Sq. Ft.

Property Info

  1248 W. Hamilton Street
  Allentown PA 18102
UpdatedFebruary 6th, 2018
PriceUpon Request
Building5,867 Sq. Ft.

Property Description

On behalf of Ownership, Feinberg Real Estate Advisors, LLC extends to buyers the opportunity to purchase this one-of-a-kind property at 1248 W. Hamilton Street. Originally built in 1900 and renovated in 2011, this converted office building offers updated and state of the art features while maintaining the Old Allentown Victorian charm. The first, second and third floors offer tile and wood flooring, beautiful stained glass, offices and conference rooms. The fully renovated, partially carpeted, basement offers conference room and storage areas. The attached lot offers 21 parking spaces. The building is handicapped compliant/accessible.

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Location Description:

Located on a corner lot at West Hamilton Street and South 13th Street

Originally built in 1900 and renovated in 2011 with state of the art features

Commercial and cultural heart of the Lehigh Valley

Close proximity to multiple upscale restaurants, bars, entertainment venues and new residential development

Steps away from the PPL Center and Marriott Renaissance Hotel

Easy access to the Lehigh County Courthouse and U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building


>> Located on West Hamilton Street

>> Originally built in 1900 and renovated in 2011 with state of the art features

>> Commercial and cultural heart of the Lehigh Valley

>> Close proximity to multiple upscale restaurants, bars, entertainment venues and new residential development

>> Steps away from the PPL Center and Marriott Renaissance Hotel

>> Easy access to the Lehigh County Courthouse and U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building

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