Property Listing No Longer Available for Sale

901 SW Martin Downs Blvd.

Palm City, FL

Office for Sale - $2,275,000 - 14,430 Sq. Ft.

Property Info

  901 SW Martin Downs Blvd.
  Palm City FL 34990
UpdatedFebruary 1st, 2018
Building14,430 Sq. Ft.

Property Description

This building is in a great location and great visibility for this superior Palm City location. Best use may be an owner/user. The building includes 47 executive office suites located on the second and third floors. An elevator and stairs provide access to both floors. The overall building efficiency as measured between adjusted rentable area and gross area was estimated to be 63%.

Location Description:

901 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Palm City, FL, Located at the northeast corner of SW Martin Downs Blvd and SW Coconut Cove Lane


>> Building Size :
