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Search Results - Colorado

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Anyone interested in commercial real estate listings will certainly find beautiful Colorado to be an intriguing choice. The capital city of Denver is home to about 600,000 people, but the Denver area boasts a population of about 2.8 million residents, making it a prime choice for commercial realty. Aurora is second in overall population with about 366,000 residents. In the last decade, Colorado has seen an impressive increase in population.

Colorado is home to agriculture, mining, manufacturing and oil production and its industrial space represents all of these sectors. The state is impressively diverse as cattle, corn and wheat are all major contributors to the local economy and growth of commercial real estate land.

Mining places a huge role in Colorado's economy, and gold and silver mining are still prominent to this date. Colorado's natural resources range from oil and natural gas to timber and likewise contribute greatly to not only the industrial space in the state, but also to the overall economy.

Colorado's diverse economy means diverse commercial real estate listings as well. Those interested in industrial space, buildings, office space and commercial property should find that Colorado has a good deal to offer.

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